2019 年 | 油画《象外#24》中国驻澳大利亚墨尔本***收藏; " Image Beyond Image #24" (oil) collected by The Consul-General of the People's Republic of China; |
2017 年 | 油画《迎送八方客》上海中国航海博物馆收藏; "Fair winds and Following seas" (oil) collected by Shanghai China Maritime Museum; |
2015 年 | 油画《艾青》艾青纪念馆收藏; "Ai Qing" (oil) collected by Ai Qing Memorial; |
2013 年 | 油画《象外#9》雅昌文化集团收藏; "Xiang Wai #9" (oil) collected by Artron Group; |
2012 年 | 油画《象外#14》何香凝美术馆收藏; "Xiang Wai #14" (oil) collected by He Xiangning Art Museum; |
2011 年 | 油画《阳台》系列四幅澳大利亚昆士兰美术馆收藏; "Balcony" series (4 paintings in oil) collected by Queensland Art Gallery, Australia; |
2011 年 | 油画《收工·铁锹》中国美术馆收藏; "Knock Off·The Shovel" collected by National Art Museum of China; |
2010 年 | 油画《舞台生涯-约翰·克拉克》澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学收藏; "Stage Life-John Clark" (oil) collected by University of Tasmania, Australia; |
2009 年 | 油画《老费》澳大利亚国家肖像博物馆收藏; "Lao Fei" (oil) collected by the National Portrait Gallery, Australia; |
2006 年 | 中国船级社历史组画中国船级社收藏; create a historical oil painting series collected by China Classification Society; |
2001 年 | 油画《打麦场》联合国粮农组织收藏; "Threshing Ground" (oil) collected by FAO of UN; |
1998 年 | 油画《何香凝》何香凝美术馆收藏; "He Xiangning" (oil) collected by Xiangning Art Museum; |
1997 年 | 招商局历史组画香港招商局集团收藏; create a historical oil painting series collected by Hong Kong Merchants Group; |
1987 年 | 油画《清晨》国家教委收藏; "Early Morning" (oil) collected by State Education Commission; |
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